Using the German SKY fast & fixed treatment, patients missing partial or complete dentition - on one or both arches - can regain their smile following procedures (extraction, implant, and temporary restoration) that take just one day. Although it's hard to imagine for someone suffering due to their teeth, all these problems can be resolved in a single day following a painless, comfortable, and completely safe intervention. The smile is part of our personality, and SKY fast & fixed restores it in just one day.
What is SKY fast & fixed
SKY fast & fixed by bredent is the "immediate loading" treatment concept that has seen the most significant evolution in Romania in the last 12 years, due to its quality and long-term durability, transparent cost, and easy maintenance. Developed in Germany, the SKY fast & fixed treatment ensures excellent implant stability and allows insertion, regardless of bone density. The connection between the implant and prosthetic elements is highly effective and secure, thanks to an anti-rotational element used in high-performance technology (torx, used in precision industries such as aerospace).
The more than 1.6 million patients who now have new dentures thanks to the SKY fast & fixed treatment have stepped into the next stage of their lives, where they can fully enjoy life without the worry of unattractive dentures or toothaches. The SKY fast & fixed treatment is internationally recognized and has been used to restore the smiles of hundreds of thousands of patients worldwide. Depending on the case and the attending doctor's recommendation, SKY fast & fixed means an average of 4 implants for the lower jaw and 6 implants for the upper jaw.
About bredent group Romania
Bredent group Romania is a subsidiary of the main German implantology product manufacturer bredent GmbH & Co.KG. It has been present in the international dental market for nearly 50 years, constantly innovating and striving to find adaptable, safe, and effective solutions for implants and immediate loading treatments.